Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
It is an evil game and a "huge business" with your souls!
- Message No. 509 -

"My children. The time will soon come to an end. Prepare yourselves. Amen. Your Mother in Heaven." My children. The state of your world is anything but worthy of God! Your world is unworthy as never before, but most of you do not care. You indulge in pleasure and distraction, giving free rein to your lusts and desires, while the devil and his followers overrun and ruin your world! Wake up at last and look the evil change of your time in the face! You are ruining yourselves, and you are gambling away your eternity! You throw away your life for a few moments of happiness, others for money and power, and all that is transient! Nothing you will be able to take with you from this earth, nothing you will leave behind, because you dig "your grave with Satan", and he will do everything to blind you also further and until the end of these days, to confuse you, to lead you on wrong ways, in order to steal then your soul, WHICH MAKES IT EASY FOR HIM! Get up finally and rise from the muff, the greed, the lust and the Lotter and go on the way to God! Only HE gives you eternal life in glory, but his adversary will only "hypocrite" you (you think it is flattery!), until you have no way out and "fall" into his hell. My children. Do not be stupid! Wake up and run towards Jesus while you still can! Satan's worshippers have long dominated your world, but they must bring Satan more souls. My children. It is an evil game and a "huge business" with your souls. If you knew what I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, know about Satan's "structured-functioning world", you would blanch, be speechless, stunned and breathless. Only his "closest allies" know about the hierarchies and methods, but they too will be deceived by the devil, because not one of his promises will he keep. My children. It is most cruel to see how Satan moves, what he demands, how he hypocrites, lies...It would be (now) too much for you to say more about it. My children. Come to Jesus and receive His love. Let yourselves be carried, let yourselves be healed, be completely with HIM and without worry, because HE will come to redeem all of you who give HIM your YES and take you with Him into His New Kingdom. So be it. In deepest and most intimate love, your Mother in Heaven who loves you so much. "Do not fall into evil; you do not know WHO you are falling into. Amen." Our Lady and Jesus. My child, make this known. "The devil rages, for too much (he finds) I have already revealed. Be faithful to Jesus. Then the devil has no power over you. Amen." Our Lady. Go now. In the evening - 8 to 9.04.2014 Attack of the devil The devil himself is there. He pushes me deep into the mattress and tries to pull me into his kingdom of darkness. For this occasion, he shows up dressed as a prince and red in palatial corridors open to a huge "inner garden" (if you can call it that; all gloomy). The pressure is getting stronger, at the same time as the pull into this "darkness palace". I have difficulty breathing. I don't want to go there, nor do I want to be "crushed" any further. I begin to resist and notice how a fight threatens to break out between me and Satan (hand-to-hand). I don't want this. I call out to Jesus. Louder and louder. More and more pleading. I send prayers to St. Michael the Archangel.
Source: ➥